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“Use the ‘rest of your life’ to give the ‘best of your life!'”

Bring this conference to your church


Intentional Grandparenting Conferences are sponsored by Family Builders Ministries. We’d love to bring this conference to your church. If you would like to know more about Family Builders Ministries or want to know what it takes to host this conference in your church, use the buttons below. We’d be glad to hear from you.

What is this?

There’s a new movement, in the church world, calling Grandparents to a purposeful, meaningful, family ministry that can leave a legacy…a heritage…with consequential eternal results! Get on board! The Intentional Grandparenting Conference is a regional conference for today’s Christian grandparents who want to be inspired and equipped to pass on their faith and disciple their grandchildren. Elmer Towns says, “Use the ‘rest of your life’ to give the ‘best of your life!” This conference will equip and encourage today’s active grandparents to stay connected and involved with their grandchildren in positive and powerful ways. Through nationally known speakers, breakout workshops and an extensive resource center you’ll find encouragement, teaching, and inspiration.


We live in a broken world where the hearts, minds and souls of today’s children are at risk. Grandparents play a unique influential role in the lives of their grandchildren; second, only to parents. Many of the thirty million Christian grandparents in America are either unaware of that potential influence, ignore the opportunity, or have significant barriers in carrying this out. To be successful you need to be “INTENTIONAL”!

How can this conference help?

This conference will equip and encourage today’s active grandparents to stay connected and involved with their grandchildren in positive and powerful ways. Through nationally known speakers, breakout workshops and an extensive resource center you’ll find encouragement, teaching, and inspiration.

Who Should Attend?


Intentional Grandparenting offers inspiration, ideas and an amazing display of resources to help you realize your potential to grandparent successfully. Raising grandkids has become a new lifestyle for some grandparents, this conference will have answers for you too!

Church Leaders

Pastors or adult ministries leaders: Grandparenting is a big part of your church family. Learn how you can connect with grandparents, encourage them and provide resources they can use in raising their grandkids. There will be breakout seminars especially for church leaders!

What others said…

I really need to put into practice what I learned at this conference. Two of the workshops really challenged me in areas that I know my wife and I need to change.
This conference really made a difference in my life. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know and how much I needed to address until I came to this conference. Thank you so much for having it, this was a life changer for me and my husband.
Whole event was wonderful. I felt like I was in my living room listening to someone talk at the workshops, really well done.
The Lord led me here. I did not want to come here this weekend, but he led me here. Praise him, praise him — I’m so glad I came.
Friday PM talk with Larry was so challenging it really affected me and my husband. It really was the perfect way to start the conference.
Great! Please do this again, I really needed this.

“…teach them to your children and your grandchildren.” Deuteronomy 4:9 NKJV

“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:7

“One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4